Research PublicationsEconomics

Economics publications cover topics related to farm and ranch economics, crop cost and return estimates, crop marketing, and economics of rural areas.
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Economic Value
BL 774: Public Attitudes Toward Agribusiness Development in Southern New Mexico
R. Skaggs, E. Coburn, R. Lansford, F. Jallad, L. Wayne
BL 786: New Mexicans Attitudes Toward the Environment, Agriculture and Government
R. K. Skaggs and D. M. VanLeeuwen
(Supporting Materials - Microsoft Excel™ format)
BL 788: Live Cattle Imports by Port of Entry from Mexico into the United States: Data and Models
R. K. Skaggs, C. Guinn
BL 790: New Mexico Milk Production: Estimated Impacts on the State's Economy
Jay M. Lillywhite, Hillary Sullivan, Terry Crawford and Nick Ashcroft
BL 791: New Mexico's Pecan Industry: Estimated Impacts on the State's Economy
Jay M. Lillywhite, Terry L. Crawford, Jim Libbin, and Jim Peach
BL 794: ENG (English version): Results of a Survey of Cattle Exporters in Chihuahua, Mexico -
Cristina Carmona Martínez, Javier Martínez Nevarez, Abelardo Diaz Samaniego, and Rhonda Skaggs¹
BL 794: SPAN (Spanish version): Resultados de la Encuesta Aplicada a Exportadores de Ganado en Chihuahua, México
Cristina Carmona Martínez, Javier Martínez Nevarez, Abelardo Diaz Samaniego, and Skaggs¹
BL 801: Estimated Impacts of Climate Change Legislation on New Mexico Agriculture
B. Hurd, C. Goemans, G. Frisvold, J. Stone
RR 765: Economic Impacts of Racehorse Ownership, Breeding, and Training on New Mexico's Economy
Jay M. Lillywhite and Mark Wise
RR 779: The Market Value of Ranches and Grazing Permits in New Mexico, 1996 to 2010
L. Allen Torell, Brent Dixon, Dan McCullom
RR 780: Developing and Managing a Certification Program as an Agricultural Marketing Tool
Jay M. Lillywhite and J. E. Simonsen
RR 781: Estimating Economic Value of Applied Research Projects
Ted Sammis, Mick O'Neill, and Junming Wang href="B
RR 784: Challenges and Opportunities Associated with U.S. Agricultural Certifications
J.E. Simonsen and J.M. Lillywhite
RR 785: Economic Impact of Agriculture in the Southern Albuquerque, New Mexico Metropolitan Area
Tyler Holmes and Rhonda Skaggs
RR 786: The South Valley A Look at Small Farm Practices and Objectives Near Albuquerque, New Mexico's Largest City
Anna Paradox, Tyler Holmes, Leeann Demouche, and Rhonda Skaggs
RR 789: Economic Significance of Food Cooperatives in New Mexico
Jay Lillywhite and Erin Frye
Changes in New Mexico Agriculture (by year)
RR 736: Changes in New Mexico Agriculture 1996 - Wilmer M. Harper, Jacob Way)
RR 734: Changes in New Mexico Agriculture 1995 - Wilmer M. Harper, Laura Orta
RR 728: Changes in New Mexico Agriculture 1994 - Wilmer M. Harper
RR 722: Changes in New Mexico Agriculture 1993 - Wilmer M. Harper
RR 705: Changes in New Mexico Agriculture 1992 - Wilmer M. Harper
TR 42: The U.S. Dairy Industry and International Trade in Dairy Products - Ereney Hadjigeorgalis
TR 44: New Mexico Farmers' Markets
RR 731: Surveys of New Mexico Alfalfa Producers and Dairy Hay Users: Will Growth of the States Dairy Industry be Limited by Alfalfa Availability? -
R. Skaggs, W. Gorman, J. Gardner, T. Crawford
(PDF Version)
RR 778: Feasibility Assessment of Investing in a Pecan Oil and Flour Processing Facility Using New Extraction Technology
Skyla Cockerham, William Gorman, Niels Maness, and Jay Lillywhite
< (PDF Version)
RR 783: Strategic Planning to Improve Economic Returns and Long-Run Sustainability in a Rapidly Growing, Peri-Urban, Multicultural, Traditional Farming Community: South Valley, New Mexico
Rossana Alvarez-Diemer, Rhonda Skaggs, Leeann DeMouce, and Tyler Holmes
TR 37: The Future of Agriculture: Frequently Asked QuestionsRhonda Skaggs
TR 35: A Profile of Agriculture in New Mexico from the 1997 Census of Agriculture
Rhonda Skaggs, Brett Wiltgen
TR 45: Climate Change and Its Implications for New Mexico's Water Resources and Economic Opportunities
BL 784: Drip Irrigation and Southern New Mexico Chile Pepper Production: A Survey of Producers
R. K. Skaggs, Mark Hillon, Rich Phillips
RR 707: Migrant Farm Workers in Southern New Mexico
Clyde Eastman
RR 714: Impact of Increasing Wages on New Mexico Chile Production
Clyde Eastman, Frank McClellan, Tom Bagwell
RR 760: OASIS: A Campus-Based, Organic, Community Supported Agriculture Farm
Constance L. Falk, Pauline Pao, Christopher S. Cramer, and Erin Silva
TR 32: Using the Stocker Cattle Futures and Options Contracts to Manage Price Risks - Lowell B. Catlett
TR 34: Purchase of Development Rights and Conservation Easements: Frequently Asked
John B. Wright, Rhonda Skaggs
TR 39: The Clean Water Act and Total Maximum Daily Loads in New Mexico: Frequently Asked Questions
Rhonda Skaggs, Maryfrances Decker
TR 40: North American Beef and Cattle Trade: A Current Perspective
Christine Guinn and Rhonda Skaggs
TR 43: Procedures for Exporting Cattle from Chihuahua, Mexico, to the United States
TR 45: Climate Change and Its Implications for New Mexico's Water Resources and Economic Opportunities
RR 704: National Market Analysis for Southwestern Herbs
Constance L. Falk, Shaun Meeks, and Tomas Enos
RR 762: Cattle-Fax Beef Price Database and Update Procedures to the AES Research
L. Allen Torell and Neil R. Rimbey
RR 790: Chile Consumers and Their Preferences Toward Region of Production-Certified Chile Peppers
Jay Lillywhite, Jennifer E. Simmonsen and Rhonda Skaggs
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