Agronomy publications cover topics related to agronomy, including soil quality and analysis, seed selection, irrigation, fertilization, pesticide application, common diseases and pests, forage and grain crops, and other agronomic crops, such as onions, peanuts, and alfalfa.
The publications are available as PDF files. To use files in PDF format, you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is free to download from the Adobe web site.
General Agronomy
A-102: Measuring Irrigation Water With a Flow Meter
A-104: Estimating Water Flow From Pipes
A-114: Test Your Garden Soil
(Spanish version)
A-123: Sampling for Plant Tissue Analysis
A-129: Nitrogen Fixation By Legumes
A-130: Inoculation of Legumes
A-131: Certified Seed
A-133: Fertilizer Cost Calculations
A-134: Selecting Synthetic Fertilizers in New Mexico
A-144: User Manual of the Dairy Annual Nutrient Manager
A-145: Certified Noxious Weed Free Program
A-146: Appropriate Analyses for New Mexico Soils
A-147: Agronomic Principles to Help with Farming During Drought Periods
A-148: Understanding Soil Health for Production Agriculture in New Mexico
A-149: Soil Quality of CRP Lands in Eastern New Mexico
A-150: Principles of Cover Cropping for Arid and Semi-arid Farming Systems
A-151: Growing Plants in Caliche Soils
A-152: Reducing Tillage in Arid and Semi-arid Cropping Systems: An Overview
A-153: Soil Biological Processes
A-154: Collecting and Submitting Plant Specimens for Disease Identification and Diagnosis through the NMSU Plant Diagnostic Clinic
A-608: Using On-Farm Tests
M-227: Understanding Horsepower and Water Horsepower Efficiency and Fuel Consumption Costs for Irrigation Pumps
Circular 650: Sulfur and New Mexico Agriculture
Circular 656: An Introduction to Soil Salinity and Sodium Issues in New Mexico
Circular 661: Soil Sampling With Respect to Salinity in New Mexico Vineyards
Circular 666: Organic Good Agricultural Practices for New Mexico
Circular 676: Interpreting Soil Tests: Unlock the Secrets of Your Soil
Circular 672: Understanding and Managing Soil Compaction in Agricultural Fields
Circular 682: GMO Crops in New Mexico Agriculture
Circular 687: Managing Organic Matter in Farm and Garden Soils
Circular 690: Biochar and Arid and Semi-arid Agricultural Soils
Circular 694A: Executive Summary-Soil Health-Importance, Assessment, and Management
Circular 694B: Soil Health-Importance, Assessment, and Management
Circular 698: Noxious and Troublesome Weeds of New Mexico
Circular 704: Using Cover Crops in New Mexico: Impacts and Benefits of Selecting the Right Crops
Circular 707: Using Cover Crops in New Mexico: Effects on Soil Moisture and Subsequent Cash Crops
A-229: Phymatotrichum Root Rot
A-230: Fire Blight
A-231: Blossom-End Rot
A-238: Conchuela Stink Bug in New Mexico Cotton
A-239: Weed Management in Cotton
A-240: Harvest Aid Chemicals for New Mexico Cotton
Circular 629: Precision Cotton Production
Forage Crops
A-229: Phymatotrichum Root Rot
A-311: Sainfoin Production in New Mexico
A-325: Managing Weeds in Alfalfa
A-326: Downy Mildew on Alfalfa
A-332: Sorghum Forage Production in New Mexico
A-333: User Manual of the Alfalfa Yield Predictor
A-334: Beet Armyworm in New Mexico Hay
A-335: Variegated Cutworm in New Mexico Hay
A-336: Managing Roundup Ready and Conventional or Organic Alfalfa Hay in Nearby Fields in New Mexico
A-337: Recommendations for Roundup Ready Alfalfa Weed Management and Stand Removal in New Mexico
A-338: Alfalfa Weevil Control Options in New Mexico
A-339: Alfalfa Integrated Pest Management: Aphids
A-340: Integrated Weed Management in Irrigated Permanent Grass Pastures and Hayfields in New Mexico
A-417: Millets for Forage and Grain in New Mexico and West Texas
A-609: Relay Intercropping Brassicas into Chile and Sweet Corn
H-158: How to Collect and Send Plant Specimens for Disease Diagnosis
Circular 536: Blister Beetles in Alfalfa
Circular 586: Irrigated Pasture Management in New Mexico
Circular 600: Managing Aceria malherbae gall mites for control of field bindweed
Circular 630: Small Grain Forages for New Mexico
Circular 633: Using a Computer Application to Predict Irrigated Alfalfa Yield
Circular 641: Hay Quality, Sampling, and Testing
Circular 642: Silage Microbial Inoculants: Use in Hot Weather Conditions
Circular 644: Assessing alfalfa stands after winter injury, freeze damage, or any time renovation is considered in New Mexico
Circular 646: Managing Alfalfa During Drought
Circular 654: Selecting Alfalfa Varieties for New Mexico
Circular 659: Whitefringed Beetle in New Mexico Alfalfa
Circular 665: Survey of Silage Crop Nutritive Value in New Mexico and West Texas
Circular 668: Reducing Harvest and Post-Harvest Losses of Alfalfa and Other Hay
Circular 695: Forage Selection and Establishment for Irrigated Pastures and Hay in New Mexico
Circular 696: Perennial Forage Species for Irrigated Pastures and Hay in New Mexico
Circular 697: Annual Forage Species for Irrigated Pastures and Hay in New Mexico
Circular 711: Hay Nutritive Value, Quality, and Testing
Grain Crops
A-415: Leaf, Stem and Stripe Rust Diseases of Wheat
A-416: Corn Plant Density Effects on Silage Quality
A-417: Millets for Forage and Grain in New Mexico and West Texas
Circular 538: Onion Diseases in New Mexico
Circular 563: Bulb Onion Culture and Management for Southern New Mexico
Circular 645: New Mexico Peanut Production
Pest Management
Extension Pesticide Applicator Training Series
A-338: Alfalfa Weevil Control Options in New Mexico
A-339: Alfalfa Integrated Pest Management: Aphids
A-615: Dodder (Cuscuta spp.) Biology and Management
A-616: Herbicide Resistance: Development and Management
A-617: Palmer Amaranth Biology and Management
A-618: Tips for Pesticide Applicators During a Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Shortage
A-619: Pest Management Overview
H-158: How to Collect and Send Plant Specimens for Disease Diagnosis
H-175: Large Wasps in New Mexico or the Asian Giant Hornet
Circular 536: Blister Beetles in Alfalfa
Circular 600: Managing Aceria malherbae gall mites for control of field bindweed
Circular 607: Guide to the Biological Control of Some Common Yard and Garden Pest Insects in New Mexico
Circular 659: Whitefringed Beetle in New Mexico Alfalfa
Circular 683: Pecan Weevil: Wanted DEAD, Not Alive
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