
Economics publications cover topics related to farm and ranch economics, crop cost and return estimates, crop marketing, and economics of rural areas.

Many of the publications are available as PDF files. To use files in PDF format, you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is free to download from the Adobe web site.


Z-103: Farm and Ranch Economic Dictionary

Z-108: Income Multipliers in Economic Impact Analysis

Z-115: Non-Farm Proprietors: Opportunities for New Mexico State University Cooperative Extension Service

Z-116: Economic Analysis of Equipment Used for Small-Diameter Timber Removal

Z-117: Startup Guide for Forestry and Wood Products Cooperative in New Mexico

Z-118: Regulatory Steps Necessary to "Cooperate" in New Mexico

Z-119: Enterprise Budgets Series 1 of 3: Crop and Livestock Enterprise Budgets: What Are They and Why Do Producers Need Them?

Z-120: Guidelines for Farm/Ranch Financial Feasibility Analysis

Z-121: Enterprise Budgets Series 2 of 3: Understanding NMSU's Crop Cost and Return Budgets

Z-122: Enterprise Budgets Series 3 of 3: Crop and Livestock Enterprise Budgets: How do Producers Use Them?

Z-123: Partial Budgeting Methods Using New Mexico State Crop Enterprise Budgets to Help Farm Management Decisions

Z-124: Sample Pecan Enterprise Budgets to Produce Pecan, 2024

Z-125: Carbon Credit Markets in Agriculture

Z-128: Livestock Enterprise Budgets Series 1/2: Understanding NMSU’s Livestock Cost and Return Budgets

Z-129: Livestock Enterprise Budgets Series 2/2: Creating a Livestock Budget with an Excel Spreadsheet

Circular 643: Tools for Understanding Economic Change in Communities: Economic Base Analysis and Shift-Share Analysis

Circular 651: Rural New Mexico Economic Conditions and Trends

Circular 652: Closing Retail Sales Gaps: Boosting the Economic Fortunes of Rural New Mexico Counties

Circular 658: Calculating Depreciation


H-149: Marketing Alternatives for Small- to Medium-sized Family Farms and Ranches

Z-306: Developing a Market Plan for Chile

Z-309: Design and Functionality of a Wine Tasting Room

Circular 691: Potential Fiscal Impacts of a New Mexico Retiree Attraction Campaign

Circular 692: Certified Retirement Communities as a Marketing Strategy to Attract Retirees to New Mexico


Z-126: Opportunities and Management Strategies for New Mexico Beef Cattle Producers Considering an Organic Transition (Part 1 of 3)

Z-127: Opportunities and Management Strategies for New Mexico Beef Cattle Producers Considering an Organic Transition (Part 2 of 3)

Z-130: Opportunities and Management Strategies for New Mexico Beef Cattle Producers Considering an Organic Transition (Part 3 of 3)

Economic Value

Z-501: Economic Importance of Pecan Industry

Z-502: Pecan Prices and Grades

Z-503: International Trade in Pecans

Circular 675: Agriculture's Contribution to New Mexico's Economy

Circular 699: The Potential Economic Impacts of Attracting Retirees to New Mexico

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