PublicationsLivestock & Range

Livestock and range publications cover topics related to livestock health and management and rangeland management, including beef, sheep, hogs, horses, silage, rangeland management, brush control, poisonous range plants, grazing systems, and economic issues related to livestock production.
Many of the publications are available as PDF files. To use files in PDF format, you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is free to download from the Adobe web site.
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B-100: Veterinary Educational Opportunities for New Mexico Resident Students
B-126: Early Weaning Beef Calves
B-130: The Julian Date Calendar: A Helpful Tool for Livestock Management Decisions
B-211: Color Patterns of Crossbred Beef
B-212: Reproductive Tract Anatomy and Physiology of the Cow
B-217: Beef Cow Efficiency in the Southwest
B-218: Use of Growth Implants in Suckling Beef Calves
B-219: Bovine Tuberculosis
B-220: Value Added Calf Programs for New Mexico Livestock Producers
B-221: Minimizing Weaning Stress on Calves
B-222: Cattle Vaccination and Immunity
B-223: Calf Vaccination Guidelines
B-224: Cow Herd Vaccination Guidelines
B-225: Preventing Persistent Infections of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus in Beef Cow Herds
B-226: Increasing the Effectiveness of Modified Live Vaccines
B-227: Castrating Beef Calves: Age and Method
B-228: Pregnancy Loss in Beef Cattle
B-229: lmmunity and Serum Neutralization Titers for Cattle
B-230: Trichomoniasis in Beef Cattle
Guía B-230: Tricomoniasis en el ganado de carne
B-231: Estimating Water Intake for Range Beef Cattle
B-232: Beef Bull Breeding Soundness Examination
B-233: Economic Impact of Trichomoniasis in New Mexico Beef Herds
- Guía B-233: Impactos Económicos de Tricomoniasis
B-234: Selling Meat Direct to Consumers from the Ranch or Farm
B-235: Judicious Antimicrobial Usage in Livestock
B-236: Value Added Programs for New Mexico Beef Calves
Circular 564: Protein and Energy Supplementation to Beef Cows Grazing New Mexico Rangelands
Circular 571: Beef Cattle Supplement Delivery Systems
Circular 575: Managing and Feeding Beef Cows Using Body Condition Scores
Circular 583: Urea in Range Cattle Supplements
Circular 634: Breed Influence on Feeder Calf Prices
Circular 637: Preconditioning Beef Calves
Circular 648: Using Anti-Suckling Devices to Wean Beef Calves
Brush Control
B-815: Control Perennial Snakeweed
B-817: Juniper Control: Individual Plant Treatments
B-819: Mesquite Control: Aerial Application
B-821: African Rue Control: Ground Applications
B-822: Mesquite Control: Individual Treatments
B-823: Locoweed Control: Aerial Application or Ground
B-824: Snakeweed Control: Aerial Application
Circular 597: Chemical Weed and Brush Control for New Mexico Rangelands
A-416: Corn Plant Density Effects on Silage Quality
Circular 564: Protein and Energy Supplementation to Beef Cows Grazing New Mexico Rangelands
Circular 571: Beef Cattle Supplement Delivery Systems
Circular 583: Urea in Range Cattle Supplements
Circular 612: Using Byproduct Feedstuffs in Grazing Nutrition
Circular 642: Silage Microbial Inoculants: Use in Hot Weather Conditions
Circular 663: Manipulating Sandpaper Oak for Livestock and Wildlife Forage
Herd Management
B-120: Anthrax and Livestock
B-121: Biosecurity on the Beef and Dairy Operation
B-122: Hairy Foot Warts
B-132: Virtual Fencing Using E-Collars on New Mexico Cattle Ranches
B-219: Bovine Tuberculosis
Circular 712: Using a Commercial Rumen Bolus to Monitor the Well-being of Cattle Grazing Rangelands During Hot Summer Weather
B-602: Identify Pigs by Ear Notching
B-705: Horse Bots, 1997-1998
B-707: Evaluation of Equine Hoof Care
B-708: Documents Required to Transport Horses in New Mexico
B-709: Milkweed Poisoning of Horses
B-710: Russian Knapweed and Yellow Star Thistle Poisoning of Horses
B-711: Help Your Horse Handle Heat Stress
B-712: Oleander Poisoning of Horses
- Guía B-712: Envenenamiento de caballos con adelfa
B-713: Locoweed Poisoning of Horses
- Guía B-713: Envenenamiento de caballos con hierba loca
B-714: Criminal Consequences of Equine Neglect and Abuse in New Mexico
B-715: Are You Ready To Own a Horse? Basic Essentials of Equine Ownership
B-716: Equine Herpesvirus in Horses
B-717: Vesicular Stomatitis Virus in Horses
B-718: Eastern Equine Encephalitis in Horses
B-719: West Nile Virus in Horses
B-720: Potential Poisoning of Horses Consuming Sorghum, Sudangrass, and Sorghum-sudangrass Hybrid Forages
B-721: Hay Feeding Management Strategies as Cost-control Measures on Horse Farms
B-722: Management Practices for Horse Farms that Aid in Control of Equine Parasites
Circular 710: Internal Parasite Control for Horses in New Mexico
B-112: Guide for Control of External Parasites of Sheep and Goats
B-113: Groundsels and Livestock Poisoning
B-114: Rayless Goldenrod and Livestock Poisoning
B-117: When Should Dairy Cows Be Inseminated?
B-118: Management Considerations in Holstein Heifer Development
B-119: Strategies for Livestock Management in Riparian Areas in New Mexico
B-120: Anthrax and Livestock
B-121: Biosecurity on the Beef and Dairy Operation
B-122: Hairy Foot Warts
B-123: Proper Disposal of Farm Mortalities
B-125: Ration Balancing on the Ranch
B-129: Electromagnetic Fields and Livestock Production
B-130: The Julian Date Calendar: A Helpful Tool for Livestock Management Decisions
B-131: Health and Biosecurity of Your 4-H Animal
B-212: Reproductive Tract Anatomy and Physiology of the Cow
H-149: Marketing Alternatives for Small- to Medium-sized Family Farms and Ranches
M-112: Water Quality for Livestock and Poultry
M-114: Nitrate in Drinking Water
Circular 635: Taxation and Livestock Production in New Mexico
Circular 670: Designing Solar Water Pumping Systems for Livestock
Circular 671: Designing Solar Water Pumping Systems for Livestock: User Manual
Circular 477: Small Poultry Flock Management
B-804: Control Cholla Cactus
B-806: Brush and Weed Control on New Mexico Ranges
B-807: Nitrate Poisoning of Livestock
B-808: Livestock Poisoning From Prussic Acid
B-809: Controlling Grass Tetany in Livestock
B-810: Sizing Plastic Pipelines for Water on the Range
B-814: How to Collect and Preserve Rangeland Plants
B-816: Management of Rangelands and Cattle in Drought-Prone Areas of the Southwest
B-818: Using a Supplementation Program as a Grazing Management Tool
B-825: Defining Drought on New Mexico Rangelands
B-826: Accumulated Growing Degree Days
B-827: Carbon Sequestration on Rangelands: A Primer
B-828: Consideration for Drone Use on Ranch
B-829: Estimating Carrying Capacity on Rangelands
B-830: Soil Sampling on Rangelands
Circular 374: New Mexico Range Plants
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Circular 522: Considerations for Prescribed Burning
Circular 557: A Guide to the Common Locoweeds and Milkvetches of New Mexico
Circular 586: Irrigated Pasture Management in New Mexico
Circular 636: An Annotated Checklist of Poisonous or Injurious Range Plants of New Mexico
Circular 649: Developing a Grazing System for Arid Climates
Circular 663: Manipulating Sandpaper Oak for Livestock and Wildlife Forage
Circular 678: Poisonous Plants of New Mexico Rangelands
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- Set up to print two pages per 8.5" X 11" sheet. (8.3 MB) (PDF Version)
Circular 686: Grazing and Biodiversity
Circular 695: Forage Selection and Establishment for Irrigated Pastures and Hay in New Mexico
Circular 696: Perennial Forage Species for Irrigated Pastures and Hay in New Mexico
Circular 697: Annual Forage Species for Irrigated Pastures and Hay in New Mexico
Circular 698: Noxious and Troublesome Weeds of New Mexico
Circular 708: Drone Use for Rangeland Monitoring and Assessment
Circular 709: Grazing Management Consideraiton for New Mexico Rangelands
Circular 711: Hay Nutritive Value, Quality, and Testing
B-127: Sheep and Goat Vaccine and Health Management Schedule
B-128: Common Microbial Diseases in Sheep and Goats
B-409: Wool Grades (formerly 400 B-41)
B-411: Effects of Stress from Predation in Gestating Ewes—A Case Study
B-412: Sheep Production: Age Identification
Circular 604: Sheep Production and Management
Circular 684: Sheep Breeds Best Suited for Arid Climates
Circular 685: Sheep Nutrition
Circular 703: Sheep Production: Birth to Weaning
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