
Wildlife publications cover topics related to habitat management, tanning and pelt preparation, game meat processing, control of problem species, small game, muzzleloading, and aquaculture.
Many of the publications are available as PDF files. To use files in PDF format, you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is free to download from the Adobe web site.
L-201: Prairie Dogs of New Mexico and Their Control
L-202: Bats in Buildings: Proper Exclusion Techniques in New Mexico
L-209: Rodent Control and Protection from Hantavirus
L-210: Rabbits and Their Control in New Mexico
L-211: Controlling Nuisance Woodpeckers in New Mexico
L-212: Controlling Nuisance Birds in New Mexico
L-213: Western Forest Tent Caterpillar
L-214: New Mexico Skunks: Identification, Ecology, and Damage Management
Circular 574: Controlling Rock Squirrel Damage in New Mexico
Circular 659: Whitefringed Beetle in New Mexico Alfalfa
Guía G-324 - ¡No Deje Que Los Chinches De Cama Le Piquen! Información Práctica para Enfrentar y Eliminar Chinches de Cama
L-101: How to Prepare Pelts
L-111: Basics of Trophy Management
L-301: Mule Deer in New Mexico
L-303: Mearn's Quail in New Mexico
L-304: Scaled Quail Habitat Management
Circular 495: Handling and Cooking Game Animals
Circular 500: The Basics of Muzzleloading
Circular 507: Field Care of Harvested Big Game
Circular 508: Processing Your Deer at Home
Circular 605: Establishing a Shooting Preserve as a Means of Diversification for Landowners in New Mexico
Circular 657: Burning for Big Game
Circular 664: Guidelines for Monitoring Elk and Mule Deer Numbers in New Mexico
Circular 669: Using Population Ratios for Managing Big Game
Circular 700: Guidelines for Monitoring Big Game Populations in New Mexico II: Trend Indices
Wildlife (General)
H-172: Backyard Beneficial Insects of New Mexico
L-108: Growing Trout in New Mexico Ponds
L-109: Controlling Pocket Gophers in New Mexico
L-110: Honey Bees in New Mexico
L-112: Guide to Coaching a National 4-H and FFA Wildlife Habitat Education Program Team
L-114: Wildlife Habitat Education Program (WHEP) Contest
L-115: Coaching a New Mexico 4-H Wildlife Habitat Education Program (WHEP) Team
L-116: Preparing a team for the 4-H and FFA Wildlife Habitat Education Program National Invitational
W-105: Understanding and Preventing Fish Kills in Your Pond
Circular 541: New Mexico Snakes: Information for Homeowners [Being Revised, Nov. 2023]
Circular 543: New Mexico Aquaculture
Circular 561: Identifying and Preserving Wildlife Tracks
Circular 565: Let's Color Some Insects (.pdf)
Circular 570: 100 Common Insects of New Mexico
Circular 609: A Color Key to the Common Spiders Found in Alfalfa and Cotton in New Mexico
Circular 647: Toxic Golden Algae (Prymnesium parvum)
Circular 653: Fishes in the Middle and Lower Rio Grande Irrigation Systems of New Mexico
Circular 663: Manipulating Sandpaper Oak for Livestock and Wildlife Forage
Circular 688: Understanding Predation
Venomous Snakes and Lizards of New Mexico—University of Florida Extension, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
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