Guide L-108
Revised by Rossana Sallenave
College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University
Extension Aquatic Ecology Specialist, Department of Extension Animal Sciences and Natural Resources, New Mexico State University. (Print Friendly PDF)
People have been raising trout in captivity for more than 150 years in the United States. Initially, trout were reared to replace wild stocks that were declining due to a variety of reasons. Today, trout are reared in captivity to supply stock for public and private lakes, ponds, and streams. In addition, trout are cultured and sold as food items through restaurant and grocery markets. This guide provides prospective aquaculturists with recommendations for culturing trout in ponds in New Mexico. Specifically, guidelines for site selection, pond size, species selection, stocking, feeding, and harvesting are given. While site-specific issues should be considered on a case-by-case basis, the following recommendations provide a general overview.
Site Selection
When developing a pond for trout production, multiple factors must be considered to ensure success. The three most important factors to investigate are water quantity, water quality, and the subsoil type found at the proposed site (Barrington, 1983).
Water Quantity
Before any plans are made to construct a recreational trout pond, a thorough study of the water supply should be completed. A natural spring with good-quality water makes a perfect supply for a trout pond in New Mexico. Small streams and large ditches may be sufficient to supply a pond that has an impervious subsoil. Water from a drilled well can be a reliable water source in many cases. In most instances, water availability often dictates the size of the pond that can be constructed.
Water Quality
In addition to abundant quantity, high-quality water is essential for trout production in ponds. Dissolved oxygen, temperature, suspended solids, dissolved gasses, pH, mineral content, hardness, and alkalinity of the water supply should be analyzed before any site plans are initiated to make sure that the proper environment for trout production exists.
Water temperature is usually the most critical water quality factor because temperature affects survival, growth, and egg production. Therefore, water temperature plays a critical role in the ability of a pond to produce trout (Table 1). In general, trout can live in water temperatures of 33 to 78°F, but they grow most rapidly in 50 to 55°F water.
Table 1. Temperature Ranges for Trout Survival and Optimal Growth (Shelton, 1994) |
Species |
Survival (°F) |
Optimal Growth (°F) |
Rainbow trout |
33–78 |
50–55 |
Brook trout |
33–72 |
45–55 |
Brown trout |
33–78 |
48–55 |
The list of water quality components given in Table 2 is not complete. However, testing for these factors with a portable water quality test kit will give an initial indication of water quality for rearing trout. A complete analysis should be conducted to determine trace metal concentrations and other potential toxicants.
In addition to proper water temperatures and chemical components, appropriate dissolved oxygen and pH levels are essential to successfully produce trout in ponds (Table 2). For example, fish most commonly die in New Mexico because of a lack of oxygen in the water, which often occurs on cloudy days with little wind or when water levels are low. If trout are coming to the surface in the early morning and gasping for air, turn fresh water into the pond or aerate the pond immediately. Aerate by pumping water from the pond and returning it through sprinkler heads. Special aerators can also be purchased for this purpose. For more information on preventing oxygen-related fish kills, see NMSU Extension Guide W-105, Understanding and Preventing Fish Kills in Your Pond (
Table 2. Water Quality Criteria for Trout (Cain and Garling, 1993; Shelton, 1994) |
Parameter |
Level |
Dissolved oxygen |
5–12 ppm* |
Carbon dioxide |
<10 ppm |
pH |
6.5–8.5 |
Total alkalinity (as CaCO3) |
10–400 ppm |
Total hardness (as CaCO3) |
>20 ppm |
Manganese |
<0.01 ppm |
Iron |
<1 ppm |
Nitrate |
<3 ppm |
Zinc |
<0.05 ppm |
*Parts per million. |
Subsoil Type
Soil is an important factor to consider when constructing a trout pond. It is essential to test the subsoil of the proposed pond site using a soil test. If the soil samples have a clay content of 30% or more, conditions for building a pond are ideal (Barrington, 1983). If the clay content is considerably less than 30%, it will be necessary to bring in clay from elsewhere. This adds to the initial cost of developing a recreational pond. If the subsoil is too well-drained and there is no readily available clay, a pond liner can be used on the pond’s bottom. However, pond liners are expensive and may require specialized installations.
For a list of laboratories to consider for analysis of New Mexico soils, see NMSU Extension Guide A-146, Appropriate Analyses for New Mexico Soils ( Not all laboratories evaluate soil texture as part of their normal fee structure.
Pond Size, Depth, and Construction
Trout can be raised successfully in a pond of almost any size. However, trout ponds smaller than one-third of a surface acre generally require supplemental feeding. A pond of 1 to 5 acres is an ideal size for recreational purposes (Marriage et al., 1971). Again, water supply is often the factor that limits pond size.
As a general rule, a depth of 3 to 4 feet is ideal for trout ponds supplied by a constant water flow. If the pond is filled only during rainy seasons, water should be at least 10 to 12 feet deep over one-quarter or more of the pond (Marriage et al., 1971). The pond’s shore should slope as abruptly as possible to a 3-foot water depth.
It is a good idea to have a drainage outlet in the pond. This allows for removal of organically rich water from the pond’s bottom. Additionally, water levels can be lowered to repair structures and control weeds. Also, water temperatures can be lowered and oxygen levels increased by increasing the inflow of fresh, cool water and releasing warm water through the drainage outlet.
Species Selection
Trout are farmed both for sale to markets and for stocking recreational ponds. The rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) is the most commonly raised species. Brown trout (Salmo trutta) and brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) are also stocked in recreational ponds (Shelton, 1994). However, recreational ponds are primarily stocked with brown trout or rainbow trout, which are more readily available from fish farms. The brown trout lives longer and grows larger in many recreational ponds, but it is more cannibalistic and harder to catch than rainbow trout. Also, the brown trout grows slower than the rainbow trout (Marriage et al., 1971). Therefore, brown trout are generally not recommended for stocking recreational ponds in the West.
Rainbow trout are stocked most commonly in New Mexico ponds because they thrive under a wide range of conditions, grow faster than other trout species, and are more widely available from hatcheries. Occasionally, both rainbow and brook trout are stocked in the same pond for variety. Neither species is difficult to catch in the cooler months of the year, but brook trout can be “fished-out” much more readily (Marriage et al., 1971). If both rainbow and brook trout are stocked, they should be roughly the same size so that one species doesn’t prey heavily on the other.
Rainbow Trout
The top of the rainbow trout’s (Oncorhynchus mykiss) head, back, and upper sides are bluish green to brownish with numerous small dark spots (Figure 1). The lower sides are silvery gray and sometimes have a pink to reddish stripe. Both dorsal and caudal fins have rows of dark spots and a black margin. In addition, the caudal fin is forked moderately.
Figure 1. Rainbow trout (Duane Raver, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service).
The rainbow trout is found in Pacific Coast drainages from the Rio del Presidio in Durango, Mexico, north to the Kuskokwim River in Alaska. Rainbow trout are found in cool, clear lakes and cool, swift streams. Overhanging vegetation on banks, deep pools, submerged vegetation, log jams, and boulders are essential habitat components for escape and resting cover. Optimal dissolved oxygen levels appear to be at least 7 parts per million (ppm) at temperatures less than or equal to 59°F, and at least 9 ppm at temperatures greater than 59°F. Low dissolved oxygen concentrations of 1.5 to 2.0 ppm are tolerated for short periods, although the incipient lethal level for adults and juveniles is approximately 3 ppm.
Aquatic insects provide most of the rainbow trout’s diet, with the remainder including ants, grasshoppers, caterpillars, worms, other fish, and other animals that fall into the water. In streams, the rainbow trout feeds primarily on drift organisms, while in lakes, bottom-dwelling invertebrates and zooplankton (tiny floating or weakly swimming aquatic animals) are preferred. Larger rainbow trout, especially those that occupy lakes or other impounded waters, readily add smaller fish to their diet as well.
Rainbow trout usually migrate upstream in the spring to spawn when water temperatures are 41 to 59°F. However, fall spawning also occurs. The female constructs a redd (nest) in gravel riffles (typically at a depth of 6 inches) and covers the reddish orange eggs with gravel.
Brown Trout
Brown trout (Salmo trutta) are olive to brown on the upper regions, transitioning to a light brownish yellow on their sides. Their abdomen is yellowish white, and there are large dark spots located on the back fins (Figure 2). Large dark spots also occur on the head and body. These dark spots are confined primarily to the upper regions of the fish’s body, although some black spots do occur below the midline. Smaller red spots, encircled by a white halo, occur along the midline. The reddish spots, together with large conspicuous dark spots on the sides and a lack of spotting on the tail fin, distinguish brown trout from other trout species.
Figure 2. Brown trout (Duane Raver, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service).
The brown trout, which is native to Europe and western Asia, was first introduced into the United States in 1883, and now occurs widely throughout much of the United States and Canada. Brown trout inhabit small to large cold-water streams, ponds, and lakes. They tend to occupy deeper, slower moving, and warmer waters than other trout species. Optimal dissolved oxygen levels are thought to be at least 9 ppm at temperatures less than or equal to 50°F, and at least 12 ppm at temperatures greater than 50°F. Lethal dissolved oxygen concentration for adults is approximately 3 ppm. Brown trout occur within a pH range of 5.0 to 9.5, although optimal growth occurs at a pH of 6.8 to 7.8.
Young brown trout feed principally on aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates. Larger individuals (those at least 9.8 inches in total length) feed primarily on bottom-dwelling aquatic invertebrates and small fish. Feeding is most intense during twilight hours, but can occur any time during the day or night.
Spawning typically occurs in streams or along rocky shoals in lakes during late fall and early winter. Their homing instinct is highly developed, and spawning adults will return to the stream where they were spawned. Redds (nests) are excavated by the female, preferably in gravel at the head of riffle areas or the tail of pools. After the eggs are laid and covered with gravel, the nest is left unprotected.
Brook Trout
Brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) have light, wavy lines on their backs and dorsal fins. On their sides, blue halos around pink or red spots are evident (Figure 3). The caudal fin is lightly forked to nearly straightedged with black lines. The brook trout also has red lower fins with a black line behind a white edge.
Figure 3. Brook trout (Duane Raver, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service).
The brook trout is native to eastern Canada and the northeastern United States and has been introduced widely throughout much of the United States and Canada. The brook trout is primarily found in cold, clear headwater streams, but it also lives in cold lakes.
Brook trout feed on a wide variety of food organisms and ingest whatever is readily available. Brook trout in streams rely heavily on insects and often supplement their diet with zooplankton. However, a variety of other foods are taken, including small fish. Most feeding occurs in the early morning and evening.
Spawning occurs in late fall to early winter in areas of current, either riffles or spring seepage areas. Redds (nests) are constructed in gravel by the female. The eggs are covered with gravel after they are laid.
Stocking Recommendations
Once a new pond has been constructed and filled, there should be no hurry to stock it with fish. In about a month, the water will clear, but the natural ecology may take a year to develop. This can be expedited by inoculating the pond with several gallons of water from a well-established pond. The number of trout a pond will support depends on its surface area and water quality, as well as fish size.
If the stocking number is slightly low, the fish will grow faster. If your pond is slightly overstocked, individual fish may not grow as fast, but nearly as many pounds will be produced in a given time. Either spring fingerlings (2 to 3 inches long, two or three months old) or fall fingerlings (5 to 6 inches long, seven or eight months old) can be used in stocking ponds. Both types reach catchable size during the spring following stocking. However, results with spring fingerlings are variable, sometimes leading to poor survival except in ponds fed by strong permanent springs. Therefore, it is usually wiser and more economical to stock the larger fall fingerlings.
Stocking at the rate of 100 to 200 5- to 6-inch fingerlings, or 200 to 400 2- to 3-inch fingerlings, per surface acre gives good results in most fertile ponds. Another alternative is to stock 300 to 400 3- to 4-inch fingerlings in the spring so that the trout grow to 8 to 10 inches by late summer or fall. With these stocking rates and favorable conditions, trout should grow about 1 inch per month until they are 9 to 10 inches long. Eating-size trout can also be stocked at about 100 to 200 per surface acre. This is a quick way to start fishing, but it is very expensive compared with stocking fish fingerlings.
Trout are often unable to compete successfully with most other types of fish in a pond because they do not multiply as rapidly or compete well for food and oxygen (Marriage et al., 1971). Therefore, do not stock other kinds of fish along with trout. If undesirable fish are already in the pond, drain it and remove them before stocking with trout.
How to Stock a Pond
There are specific laws and regulations for stocking fish in private ponds in New Mexico. Contact the Fisheries Management Division of the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish (NMGF) at 505-476-8055 before stocking trout in ponds. An “Application to Import Fish into New Mexico” must be completed and approved by the department before stocking any pond. In addition, the department will provide a list of trout vendors certified for use in New Mexico. Information on stocking and importing fish in New Mexico, as well as a list of certified trout vendors, can be found on the NMGF website at
Because trout are sensitive to sudden changes in temperature, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and pH, never put the fish directly into the pond from a shipping container (Marriage et al., 1971) and avoid stocking trout in water above 65°F.
Pond water should be added slowly to the water in the shipping container until there is no greater than a 6°F difference between the two. Temper the water in the shipping container in stages, taking about 15 to 20 minutes to complete the process. If the trout show signs of distress, such as turning on their sides, delay further mixing until they act normally.
After mixing, place the fingerlings carefully into the pond. Never throw fish into the pond because this will cause shock and bruising. Choose a fairly deep part of the pond, previously cleared of weeds. Lower each container into the water and allow the trout to swim out slowly. Any thick weeds nearby must also be checked to make sure no fish have become entangled in them. During the first week after stocking, the lake margins should be checked often and dead fish removed.
Feeding Trout
The trout’s natural diet in ponds devoid of other fish is typically zooplankton, aquatic insects, other aquatic invertebrates, and terrestrial insects. Allowing trout to feed only on natural forage generally yields approximately 90 pounds of fish per acre. Most private fee-fishing operations allow trout to feed solely on a natural diet. Feeding trout artificial feeds increases the carrying capacity of the trout pond, but it also increases the cost of raising fish. Feed costs have been estimated at 60% of the total cost of rearing fish (Sloane, 1994a).
By feeding trout, the expected yield can be increased by 1,000 to 2,000 pounds per acre (Marriage et al., 1971) if water quality and oxygen levels are carefully controlled. However, this practice is mostly used at state hatcheries and aquaculture facilities. Rainbow trout feeds have significantly higher protein levels than catfish feeds. Therefore, use feed made specifically for the species of fish being raised and follow the recommended feeding rate. It is important to note that no matter what the recommendation, feed should not exceed 20 lb/acre/day if aeration is not available; with aeration, the maximum rate should not exceed 100 lb/acre/day (Sloane, 1994b).
Fish feeds are available in two forms: sinking or floating. Although sinking feeds are less expensive than floating feeds, floating feeds are recommended and are used more commonly. Floating feeds allow pond owners to observe the feeding response and to monitor consumption. It takes about 2 pounds of feed to produce 1 pound of trout under favorable growing conditions. Feed only what the fish will eat and be sure not to overfeed. If any food remains 15 minutes after feeding, it probably will not be eaten, and the decomposing food will use oxygen and may result in subsequent fish loss. Therefore, remove any floating feed not consumed.
Harvesting Recommendations
To obtain the greatest return in numbers of pan-sized trout in trout ponds, start harvesting as soon as the trout are 6 to 8 inches long. This will be about 6 to 10 months after stocking the pond with fingerlings. During the second year, the trout should be 12 to 14 inches long. After this, growth will be slow and mortality will be high. Therefore, for maximum yield, pond owners should harvest as many trout as possible in the two years after initial stocking.
At the end of three years, just a few large trout will remain, and their total weight will be far below the carrying capacity of the pond. Because trout survival in ponds is extremely low after two years, ponds should be restocked every other year to maintain adequate fishing. Fall fingerlings are recommended for restocking. They are much less likely to be eaten by the large holdover trout of the previous stocking than are the small spring fingerlings.
Pond Stocking and Native Species
NMGF and other Western fish and game agencies have initiated extensive management programs for native trout species. Individuals with private trout ponds may be able to help protect state and private interests by raising native trout species.
Native trout have been the subject of petitions to list as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973. For example, the Rio Grande cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki virginalis; Figure 4) was petitioned for listing in 1998. Litigation following an initial ruling by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (1998) resulted in a reopening of the review process (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 2001). From 2008 to 2014, the Rio Grande cutthroat trout was a candidate for listing under the ESA. In 2014, it was removed from candidacy because it was determined that listing was not warranted for this species. In 2016, another lawsuit challenging the decision not to list the species under the ESA was filed, and in a ruling issued in 2019, a federal judge vacated and remanded in part the 2014 decision of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Cheng, 2019).
Figure 4. Rio Grande cutthroat trout (photo courtesy of Bryan Bakevich, New Mexico Department of Game and Fish).
It is clear that the Rio Grande cutthroat trout and other native trout species remain the target of petitions and litigation, especially in relation to public lands use, such as national forests. Private landowners can help keep native species like cutthroat trout from being listed under the ESA by understanding how their private stocking program can affect native species management.
As part of the approval process for trout importation permits, private landowners can expect agencies to scrutinize the location of their ponds (or streams) relative to Rio Grande cutthroat trout populations to ensure that the stocked fish are unlikely to come in contact with native trout (Paroz et al., 2002). Protecting native trout populations from popular nonnative trout will help state agencies avoid ESA listings that transfer management control to the federal government. Federal management of listed species often initiates actions that can ultimately affect private landowners and impair their ability to use their property for personal gain.
Stocking Your Pond With Native Trout
Private landowners may be interested in stocking their ponds with native trout. Not only are native trout beautiful, they can also attain a large size; New Mexico’s record cutthroat trout is 10 lb 2 oz from Latir Lakes. Private pond owners seeking to stock their ponds with cutthroat trout must follow the same procedures as they would for stocking other fish species, and submit an application through NMGF. The agency reviews and approves all applications for importation to ensure that the species of fish are not stocked in or near waters where they could potentially affect current native trout populations and to ensure that they are disease free. Fish to be stocked must be purchased from a certified fish vendor, which can be found on the NMGF website. These vendors maintain disease free certification and are familiar with the application process.
Before starting a trout pond, make sure to assess the project’s feasibility. Consider site selection, water quality, water quantity, species selection, and stocking practices. Enlisting the advice and assistance of local experts greatly improves the likelihood of success. A good place to start is with your local Cooperative Extension Service office (
Also, check with NMGF about specific laws and regulations for private trout ponds in New Mexico. Permits for effluent discharge, water rights, and game fish propagation may also be required from the controlling state agencies. Depending on the facility and operational plans, additional permits may be necessary.
Literature Cited
Associated Press. 2019, September 29. Judge vacates part of protection decision on trout species.
Barrington, R. 1983. Making and managing a trout lake. London, England: Fishing News Books Ltd.
Cain, K., and D. Garling. 1993. Trout culture in the north central region [Fact Sheet Series 108]. Ames, IA: North Central Regional Aquaculture Center.
Center for Biological Diversity vs. Jewell. 2019. Civil Action No. 16-CV-1932-MSK-STV, USDC Colorado.
Cheng, C. 2019, October 4. FWS ordered to explain Rio Grande cutthroat trout decision.
Hinshaw, J.M. 1999. Trout production: Feeds and feeding methods [Publication no. 223]. Stoneville, MS: Southern Regional Aquaculture Center.
Marriage, L.D., A.E. Borell, and P.M. Scheffer. 1971. Trout ponds for recreation [Farmers’ Bulletin No. 2246]. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Paroz, Y., P. Wilkinson, M. Hatch, and D.E. Cowley. 2002. Rio Grande cutthroat trout management plan. Santa Fe: New Mexico Department of Game and Fish.
Shelton, J.L. 1994. Trout production. Athens: University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service.
Sloane, M.B. 1994a. Feeding guide for rainbow trout and catfish in New Mexico [Guide L-107]. Las Cruces: New Mexico State University Cooperative Extension Service.
Sloane, M.B. 1994b. Water quality management in fed fish ponds in New Mexico [Guide L-106]. Las Cruces: New Mexico State University Cooperative Extension Service.
Swistock, B.R., R.W. Soderberg, H. Blanchet, and W.E. Sharpe. 2000. Management of fish ponds in Pennsylvania. University Park, PA: Penn State Agricultural Research and Cooperative Extension.
USDA. 1971. Habitat management for rainbow trout in Oregon.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1998. Ninety-day finding for a petition to list the Rio Grande cutthroat trout. Federal Register 63:49062-49063.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2001. Status of the Rio Grande cutthroat trout: Notice of intent to initiate a status review. Federal Register 66:67289-67290.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2002. Candidate status review of Rio Grande cutthroat trout. Federal Register 66:39936-39947.
For Further Reading
W-104: Understanding Water Quality Parameters to Better Manage Your Pond
W-105: Understanding and Preventing Fish Kills in Your Pond
CR-543: New Mexico Aquaculture
A-146: Appropriate Analyses for New Mexico Soils
Original authors: Jon Boren, Extension Wildlife Specialist; Terrell T. “Red” Baker, Extension Riparian Management Specialist; David E. Cowley, Assistant Professor of Fishery and Wildlife Sciences; and Brian J. Hurd, Extension Research Specialist.

Rossana Sallenave is an Extension Aquatic Ecology Specialist at New Mexico State University. She earned her Ph.D. at the University of Guelph in Canada. Her research interests include aquatic ecology and ecotoxicology. Her Extension goals are to educate and assist New Mexicans on issues relating to watershed stewardship and aquatic ecosystem health.
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New Mexico State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and educator. NMSU and the U.S. Department of Agriculture cooperating.
Revised September 2020 Las Cruces, NM