New Mexico continues to struggle through extreme drought conditions that show no sign of abating. Ranchers, farmers, and even homeowners will increasingly have to make do with less precipitation and available irrigation water for their livestock, crops, and home gardens and landscaping. A lack of water can also cause changes in ecosystems; for example, some poisonous plants and noxious weeds may outcompete grasses and other forages on rangelands, which can be dangerous for cattle. The following publications can help agricultural producers and homeowners cope with drought conditions.
A-147: Agronomic Principles to Help with Farming During Drought Periods
Circular 542: Planning and Operating Pecan Orchards With Drip and Microspray Irrigation
Circular 555: Conservation Farming in New Mexico
Circular 573: Drip Irrigation for Row Crops
Circular 646: Managing Alfalfa During Drought
Circular 687: Managing Organic Matter in Farm and Garden Soils
Circular 690: Biochar and Arid and Semi-arid Agricultural Soils
Circular 694A: Executive Summary-Soil Health-Importance, Assessment, and Management
Circular 694B: Soil Health-Importance, Assessment, and Management
H-249: Chile Pepper Disorders Caused by Environmental Stress
H-652: Water Management in Pecan Orchards
Livestock and Rangeland Management
B-113: Groundsels and Livestock Poisoning
B-114: Rayless Goldenrod and Livestock Poisoning
B-126: Early Weaning Beef Calves
B-217: Beef Cow Efficiency in the Southwest
B-221: Minimizing Weaning Stress on Calves
B-231: Estimating Water Intake for Range Beef Cattle
B-709: Milkweed Poisoning of Horses
B-710: Russian Knapweed and Yellow Star Thistle Poisoning of Horses
B-711: Help Your Horse Handle Heat Stress
B-806: Brush and Weed Control on New Mexico Ranges
B-816: Management of Rangelands and Cattle in Drought-Prone Areas of the Southwest
B-818: Using a Supplementation Program as a Grazing Management Tool
B-825: Defining Drought on New Mexico Rangelands
BL-793: Seasonal and Yearlong Grazing in the Northern Chihuahuan Desert: Impacts on Forage and Cow-Calf Production
Circular 374: New Mexico Range Plants
Circular 557: A Guide to the Common Locoweeds and Milkvetches of New Mexico
Circular 564: Protein and Energy Supplementation to Beef Cows Grazing New Mexico Rangelands
Circular 571: Supplement Delivery Systems
Circular 575: Managing and Feeding Beef Cows Using Body Condition Scores
Circular 597: Chemical Weed and Brush Control for New Mexico Rangelands
Circular 612: Using Byproduct Feedstuffs in Grazing Nutrition
Circular 636: An Annotated Checklist of Poisonous or Injurious Range Plants of New Mexico
Circular 637: Preconditioning Beef Calves
Circular 641: Hay Quality, Sampling, and Testing
Circular 642: Silage Microbial Inoculants: Use in Hot Weather Conditions
Circular 642 (Spanish): Inoculantes microbiales para ensilaje: Su uso en condiciones de clima cálido
Circular 649: Developing a Grazing System for Arid Climates
Circular 678: Poisoning Plants of New Mexico Rangelands
Circular 684: Sheep Breeds Best Suited for Arid Climates
M-112: Water Quality for Livestock and Poultry
RR 759: Perspectives on Rangeland Management: Stocking Rates, Seasonal Forecasts, and the Value of Weather Information to New Mexico Ranchers
W-107: PLAYA LAKES: Understanding Their Importance and How to Protect Them and Improve Their Function
Home Gardening and Landscaping
H-510: How to Perform a Catch Can Irrigation Audit on a Home Lawn Sprinkler System
H-707: Landscape Water Conservation
RR 773: Low-Pressure Drip Irrigation for Small Plots and Urban Landscapes
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