Author's Guide to Cooperative Extension Service Publications
This guide assists authors and administrators in the writing, reviewing, and submitting of their manuscripts to the Marketing and Communications department for editing, layout production, and publishing.
"All Things Photography" (webinar)
This resource covers photography basics like composition rules of thumb, digital camera tips, image formats, and what format and image source works best for Web and print projects. We'll discuss how to get the images from a camera, phone, website and video and touch on a few graphic design basics to help tie it all together.
Essential Graphics / Design Concepts for Non-Designers
This resource focuses on understanding the importance of resolution, tips on scanning images properly, screen captures, image formats, bleeds, binding, linked vs. embedded images, how to organize your files, copyright basics and graphic design fundamentals. It is recommended for everyone interested in producing print projects correctly from a technical perspective. Beginners will go back to work with a good understanding of how to prepare documents for print.
Conference Poster Development
Conference posters continue to be one of the most popular methods of sharing information about research and programs with colleagues in various disciplines. Consequently, designing an attractive, well-organized, and informative conference poster is a necessary skill in today's academic and professional worlds. This resource will provide you with technical, design, content tips and copyright and fair use tips specific to posters, allowing you to develop effective, high-quality posters in PowerPoint to enhance your next poster presentation.