Growing Zones, Recommended Crop Varieties, and Planting and Harvesting Information for Home Vegetable Gardens in New Mexico
Circular 457-B
Revised by Stephanie Walker
College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University
Extension Vegetable Specialist/Assistant Professor, Department of Extension Plant Sciences, New Mexico State University. (Print Friendly PDF)
New Mexico can be divided into three growing zones, which are based on the average number of frost-free days and the average date for the last frost in the spring (Figure 1). Growing periods for individual gardens can vary as much as 20 days from the zone’s average. This variance may be due to elevation, site exposure, or air drainage. For example, gardens with northern slope exposures are cooler than those with southern slope exposures. Also, cooler air is heavier than warmer air, so gardens in valleys are more prone to frost than gardens overlooking the valley. Therefore, consider your garden’s unique needs as you determine planting dates. Table 1 provides recommended planting dates for New Mexico’s three growing zones.
Figure 1. New Mexico growing zones, average number of frost-free days, and average date of last frost. Adapted from Climatological Data, Annual Summary–New Mexico 1982, National Weather Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce.
Crop variety recommendations in this guide are based on variety trials conducted by the New Mexico State University Cooperative Extension Service ( and experienced Master Gardeners ( Home gardeners can seek advice from these or other experienced gardeners in the area.
Table 1. Recommended Planting Dates for Various Crops |
New Mexico AREA 1 |
Vegetable Planting Chart |
Crop |
Dec |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
Apr |
May |
Jun |
Jul |
Aug |
Sep |
Oct |
Nov |
Asparagus |
Beans (bush, wax) |
Beans (pole) |
Beans (pinto) |
Beans (lima) |
Beans (fava, garbanzo) |
Beets |
Broccoli |
Cabbage |
Cabbage (Chinese) |
Carrots |
Cauliflower |
Chard (Swiss) |
Collards |
Corn (sweet) |
Cowpeas |
Cucumber |
Eggplant |
Garlic |
Kale |
Kohlrabi |
Lettuce (leaf) |
Melons (cantaloupe, musk) |
Okra |
Onions |
Peas |
Peppers (chile, bell) |
Potato |
Potato (sweet) |
Pumpkin |
Radish |
Spinach |
Squash (summer) |
Squash (winter) |
Tomatoes |
Turnips |
Watermelon |
Optimal window for planting seed or transplants outside. |
Start transplants inside. |
New Mexico AREA 2 |
Vegetable Planting Chart |
Crop |
Dec |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
Apr |
May |
Jun |
Jul |
Aug |
Sep |
Oct |
Nov |
Asparagus |
Beans (bush, wax) |
Beans (pole) |
Beans (pinto) |
Beans (lima) |
Beans (fava, garbanzo) |
Beets |
Broccoli |
Cabbage |
Cabbage (Chinese) |
Carrots |
Cauliflower |
Chard (Swiss) |
Collards |
Corn (sweet) |
Cowpeas |
Cucumber |
Eggplant |
Garlic |
Kale |
Kohlrabi |
Lettuce (leaf) |
Melons (cantaloupe, musk) |
Okra |
Onions |
Peas |
Peppers (chile, bell) |
Potato |
Potato (sweet) |
Pumpkin |
Radish |
Spinach |
Squash (summer) |
Squash (winter) |
Tomatoes |
Turnips |
Watermelon |
Optimal window for planting seed or transplants outside. |
Start transplants inside. |
New Mexico AREA 3 |
Vegetable Planting Chart |
Crop |
Dec |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
Apr |
May |
Jun |
Jul |
Aug |
Sep |
Oct |
Nov |
Asparagus |
Beans (bush, wax) |
Beans (pole) |
Beans (pinto) |
Beans (lima) |
Beans (fava, garbanzo) |
Beets |
Broccoli |
Cabbage |
Cabbage (Chinese) |
Carrots |
Cauliflower |
Chard (Swiss) |
Collards |
Corn (sweet) |
Cowpeas |
Cucumber |
Eggplant |
Garlic |
Kale |
Kohlrabi |
Lettuce (leaf) |
Melons (cantaloupe, musk) |
Okra |
Onions |
Peas |
Peppers (chile, bell) |
Potato |
Potato (sweet) |
Pumpkin |
Radish |
Spinach |
Squash (summer) |
Squash (winter) |
Tomatoes |
Turnips |
Watermelon |
Optimal window for planting seed or transplants outside. |
Start transplants inside. |
The number of days to harvest are seed catalog estimates and may vary depending on weather conditions. Planting depth will depend on your soil; seed can be planted slightly deeper in sandy soils and slightly shallower in clay soils. The distance between rows depends on your watering technique (furrow, sprinkler, or drip) and the paths you leave between rows for picking. See Table 2 for more information.
Refer to Circular 457, Home Vegetable Gardening in New Mexico (, for more information on gardening in New Mexico.
Table 2. Vegetable Varieties, Days to Harvest, Planting Date, Planting Instructions, and Approximate Yield for Home Gardens |
Crop |
Recommended Varieties |
Days to Harvest |
Planting Dates |
How to Plant |
Feet of Row per Person |
Seed or Plants per 100 Feet of Row |
Approximate Yield per 100 Feet of Row |
Area 1 |
Area 2 |
Area 3 |
Distance Between |
Fresh (lb) |
Canned (pints) |
Depth (in.) |
Plants (in.) |
Rows (in.) |
Asparagus |
Jersey Giant |
2 years |
Feb 1– |
March 1– |
April 1–30 |
6–8 |
12–15 |
36–60 |
30 |
80–100 plants |
60 |
25 |
Mary Washington |
U.C. 157 |
Jersey Knight |
Beans, bush |
Blue Lake 47 Bush |
58 |
April 15– |
May 1–31; |
May 1– |
1–2 |
2–6 |
18–36 |
80 |
1/2 lb |
90 |
65 |
Contender |
49 |
Blue Lake 274 |
58 |
Kentucky Wonder 125 |
58 |
Topcrop |
49 |
Beans, bush (wax) |
Imperial Golden Wax |
52 |
April 15– |
May 1–31; July 1–31 |
May 1– |
1–2 |
2–6 |
18–36 |
80 |
1/2 lb |
90 |
65 |
Gold Mine |
55 |
Beans, pole |
Blue Lake |
60 |
April 15– |
May 1–31 |
May 1– |
1–2 |
4–8 |
36–48 |
10 |
1/2 lb |
90 |
80 |
Kentucky Blue |
65 |
Kentucky Wonder |
65 |
Beans, lima |
Fordhook 242 |
75 |
April 15– |
May 1– |
May 15– |
1–2 |
3–6 |
18–36 |
20 |
1 lb |
30 |
40 |
Baby Fordhook |
70 |
Henderson Bush |
65 |
Jackson Wonder |
65 |
Crop |
Recommended Varieties |
Days to Harvest |
Planting Dates |
How to Plant |
Feet of Row per Person |
Seed or Plants per 100 Feet of Row |
Approximate Yield per 100 Feet of Row |
Area 1 |
Area 2 |
Area 3 |
Distance Between |
Fresh (lb) |
Canned (pints) |
Depth (in.) |
Plants (in.) |
Rows (in.) |
Beans, lima, pole |
Large Speckled Christmas |
88 |
April 15– May 1 |
May 1–31 |
May 1–15 |
1–2 |
8–12 |
36–48 |
20 |
1/2 lb |
30 |
40 |
King of Garden |
88 |
Beans, other |
Fava or broadbeans |
85 |
Jan 15– Feb 15 |
Feb 15– March 15 |
March 15– May 15 |
1–2 |
3–6 |
24–48 |
20 |
1 lb |
30 |
40 |
Garbanzo or chickpea |
100 |
Feb 15– April 15 |
May 15– June 15 |
Pinto |
85 |
April 15– |
May 1–31 |
May 1– July 15 |
1–2 |
3–4 |
24–30 |
– |
1/2 lb |
– |
– |
Beets |
Detroit Dark Red |
60 |
Feb 1– March 15; July 15– Aug 15 |
March 1– April 15; July 15– Aug 1 |
April 1– June 30 |
1/2 |
2–4 |
12–30 |
10 |
1 oz |
80 |
70 |
Early Wonder |
54 |
Golden Beet |
55 |
Cylindra |
60 |
Ruby Queen |
53 |
Perfected Detroit |
58 |
Broccoli |
Bonanza Hybrid |
55 |
Feb 15– March 1; July 15– Aug 1 |
March 15– April 1; July 1–15 |
April 15– June 1 |
1/2 |
8–12 |
26–36 |
25 |
1/2 oz or |
75 |
– |
Green Goliath |
55 |
Sun King Hybrid |
71 |
Green Magic |
57 |
Marathon |
68 |
Premium Crop |
58 |
Hybrid Packman |
60 |
Crop |
Recommended Varieties |
Days to Harvest |
Planting Dates |
How to Plant |
Feet of Row per Person |
Seed or Plants per 100 Feet of Row |
Approximate Yield per 100 Feet of Row |
Area 1 |
Area 2 |
Area 3 |
Distance Between |
Fresh (lb) |
Canned (pints) |
Depth (in.) |
Plants (in.) |
Rows (in.) |
Brussels sprouts |
Hybrid Jade Cross |
82 |
March 15– May 15 |
April 1– May 15 |
April 15–30 |
1/2 |
18–24 |
24–40 |
10 |
1/2 oz or |
60 |
– |
Dimitri Hybrid |
105 |
Cabbage |
Golden Acre |
64 |
Feb 15– March 1; July 15– Aug 1 |
March 15–31; July 1–15 |
April 15– June 30 |
1/2 |
12–24 |
24–36 |
6 |
1/2 oz or |
150 |
– |
Red Acre |
76 |
Early Jersey Wakefield |
63 |
Cabbage, Chinese |
Michihili |
70 |
March 1–31; July 1–20 |
June 15–30 |
May 15– June 15 |
1/2 |
12–24 |
24–36 |
10 |
1/2 oz or |
30 |
– |
Pak Choi Joi Choi Hybrid |
45 |
Cantaloupe (muskmelon) |
Delicious 51 |
84 |
April 1–15 |
April 15–30 |
May 1–15 |
1/2–3/4 |
12 |
60–84 |
15 |
1 oz |
90 melons |
– |
Hales Best |
88 |
Amborsia Hybrid |
86 |
Carrots |
Imperator |
75 |
Jan 15– March 1; Aug 1–15 |
Feb 15– April 1; July 1– Aug 1 |
May 1– June 30 |
1/4 |
1–3 |
16–36 |
30 |
1/2 oz |
75 |
– |
Red Core Chantenay |
70 |
Danvers Half Long |
75 |
Nantes Coreless |
68 |
Cauliflower |
Snowball (types) |
65 |
Feb 15– March 1; June 25– July 5 |
March 15–31; July 1– Aug 1 |
May 1–30 |
1/2 |
18–24 |
24–36 |
20 |
1/2 oz or 50–65 plants |
50 heads |
– |
Snow Crown Hybrid |
53 |
Crop |
Recommended Varieties |
Days to Harvest |
Planting Dates |
How to Plant |
Feet of Row per Person |
Seed or Plants per 100 Feet of Row |
Approximate Yield per 100 Feet of Row |
Area 1 |
Area 2 |
Area 3 |
Distance Between |
Fresh (lb) |
Canned (pints) |
Depth (in.) |
Plants (in.) |
Rows (in.) |
Cauliflower |
Snowball Self-Blanching |
70 |
Feb 15– March 1; June 25– July 5 |
March 15–31; July 1–Aug 1 |
May 1–30 |
1/2 |
18–24 |
24–36 |
20 |
1/2 oz or 50–65 plants |
50 heads |
– |
Graffiti (purple) |
80 |
Chard, Swiss |
Fordhook Giant |
60 |
Feb 1– March 15; July 15– Aug 15 |
March 1– April 15; July 1– Aug 1 |
April 1– June 30 |
1/2–3/4 |
4–15 |
24–36 |
10 |
1 oz |
100 |
– |
Rhubarb |
60 |
Lucullus Light Green |
60 |
Bright Lights |
55 |
Collards |
Georgia |
80 |
Feb 1– March 15; July 15– Aug 15 |
March 1– April 15; July 15– Aug 1 |
April 1– June 30 |
1/2 |
10–24 |
24–36 |
– |
1/2 oz |
– |
– |
Vates |
80 |
Corn, sweet (regular, SU) |
Merit |
75 |
March 21– July 30 |
April 20– July 1 |
May 1– July 1 |
1–2 |
8–12 |
30–40 |
120 |
1/2 lb |
75 ears |
20 |
Early Sunglow |
63 |
Golden Jubilee |
84 |
Iochief |
89 |
Silver Queen (white) |
94 |
Golden Cross Bantam |
85 |
Corn, sweet (sugary enhancer, SE) |
Kandy Korn SE |
89 |
March 21– July 30 |
April 20– July 1 |
May 1– July 1 |
1–2 |
8–12 |
30–40 |
120 |
1/2 lb |
75 ears |
20 |
Hybrid Double Delicious |
83 |
Hybrid Bodacious |
72 |
Miracle |
82 |
Crop |
Recommended Varieties |
Days to Harvest |
Planting Dates |
How to Plant |
Feet of Row per Person |
Seed or Plants per 100 Feet of Row |
Approximate Yield per 100 Feet of Row |
Area 1 |
Area 2 |
Area 3 |
Distance Between |
Fresh (lb) |
Canned (pints) |
Depth (in.) |
Plants (in.) |
Rows (in.) |
Corn, sweet (super sweet, SH2) |
Early Xtra-Sweet |
71 |
April 1– July 30 |
May 1– July 1 |
May 15– July 1 |
1/2–1 |
8–12 |
30–40 |
120 |
1/2 lb |
75 ears |
20 |
Illini Xtra-Sweet |
85 |
How Sweet It Is |
87 |
Honey 'N Pearl |
78 |
Cucumber, slicing |
Armenian (long, ribbed) |
70 |
April 1–15 |
April 15– May 15 |
May 15– June 1 |
1/2–3/4 |
8–12 |
36–72 |
5 |
1/2 oz |
180 |
– |
Bush Champion |
55 |
Slicemaster |
58 |
Hybrid Burpless |
60 |
Spacemaster (bush) |
54 |
Straight Eight |
58 |
Streamliner |
58 |
Sweet Success Hybrid |
58 |
Sweet Slice Hybrid |
62 |
Cucumber, pickling |
National Pickling |
55 |
April 1–15 |
April 15– May 15 |
May 15– June 1 |
1/2–3/4 |
8–12 |
36–72 |
5 |
1/2 oz |
90 |
25 |
West India Gherkin |
60 |
Eggplant |
Black Beauty |
73 |
April 1–30 |
April 15– May 15 |
May 1–30 |
1/4–1/2 |
18–30 |
24–48 |
5 |
1/4 oz |
200 |
– |
Dusky |
63 |
Crop |
Recommended Varieties |
Days to Harvest |
Planting Dates |
How to Plant |
Feet of Row per Person |
Seed or Plants per 100 Feet of Row |
Approximate Yield per 100 Feet of Row |
Area 1 |
Area 2 |
Area 3 |
Distance Between |
Fresh (lb) |
Canned (pints) |
Depth (in.) |
Plants (in.) |
Rows (in.) |
Eggplant |
Easter Egg |
69 |
April 1–30 |
April 15– May 15 |
May 1–30 |
1/4–1/2 |
18–30 |
24–48 |
5 |
1/4 oz |
200 |
– |
Orient Express |
58 |
Ichiban Hybrid |
65 |
Garlic, hardneck |
Spanish Roja |
8–10 months |
Oct 1– Nov 30 |
Sept 15– Nov 15 |
Sept 1– Oct 31 |
1–3 |
3–6 |
12–36 |
3 |
1–12 lb of cloves |
– |
– |
Carpathian |
Garlic, softneck |
Inchelium Red |
8–10 months |
Oct 1– Nov 30 |
Sept 15– Nov 15 |
Sept 1– Oct 31 |
1–3 |
3–6 |
12–36 |
3 |
1–12 lb of cloves |
– |
– |
California Early |
Silverskin (S & H) |
Kohlrabi |
Early Purple Vienna |
60 |
Feb 1– March 15; July 15– Aug 15 |
March 1– April 15; July 1– Aug 15 |
April 1– June 30 |
1/2 |
3–6 |
12–36 |
12 |
1/2 oz |
100 |
– |
Early White Vienna |
55 |
Grand Duke |
45 |
Leek |
American Flag |
130 |
Jan 15– Feb 15 |
Feb 15– March 15 |
March 15– April 1 |
1/2 |
3–6 |
12–36 |
10 |
1/2 oz |
– |
– |
Titan |
110 |
Lettuce, head |
Crispino |
57 |
Nov 20– Jan 20 |
March 1–15 |
April 1– June 15 |
1/4–1/2 |
10–15 |
20–36 |
12 |
1/2 oz |
50 heads |
– |
Iceberg |
82 |
Lettuce, leaf |
Black Seeded Simpson |
45 |
Dec 1– March 15; Aug 1–30 |
March 1–31; July 15– Aug 15 |
April 1– July 1 |
1/4–1/2 |
8–12 |
20–36 |
6 |
1/2 oz |
100 |
– |
Oak Leaf |
50 |
Ruby |
45 |
Salad Bowl |
45 |
Crop |
Recommended Varieties |
Days to Harvest |
Planting Dates |
How to Plant |
Feet of Row per Person |
Seed or Plants per 100 Feet of Row |
Approximate Yield per 100 Feet of Row |
Area 1 |
Area 2 |
Area 3 |
Distance Between |
Fresh (lb) |
Canned (pints) |
Depth (in.) |
Plants (in.) |
Rows (in.) |
Lettuce, leaf |
Red Sails |
50 |
Dec 1– March 15; Aug 1–30 |
March 1–31; July 15– Aug 15 |
April 1– July 1 |
1/4–1/2 |
8–12 |
20–36 |
6 |
1/2 oz |
100 |
– |
Prizehead |
45 |
Lettuce, romaine |
Paris Island Cos |
75 |
Dec 1– March 15; Aug 1–30 |
March 1–31; July 15– Aug 15 |
April 1– July 15 |
1/4–1/2 |
10–14 |
20–36 |
– |
1/2 oz |
100 |
– |
Coastal Star |
57 |
Valmaine Cos |
70 |
Lettuce, butterhead |
Bibb |
75 |
Dec 1– March 15; Aug 1–30 |
March 1–31; July 15– Aug 15 |
April 1– July 1 |
1/4–1/2 |
10–15 |
20–36 |
– |
1/2 oz |
– |
– |
Buttercrunch |
75 |
Adriana |
48 |
Mustard |
Tendergreen |
35 |
Feb 1– March 31; Aug 1–30 |
March 1– April 15; Aug 1–31 |
April 1– July 15 |
1/2 |
5–10 |
20–36 |
6 |
1–2 oz |
50 |
60 |
Okra |
Clemson Spineless |
56 |
April 1–15 |
April 15–30 |
May 1–15 |
1 |
8–24 |
42–60 |
10 |
2 oz |
30 |
12–24 |
Annie Oakley Hybrid |
52 |
Onions, |
Hybrid White Bermuda |
92 |
Oct 1–15 |
– |
– |
1/2 |
2–4 |
20–36 |
20 |
1 oz |
70 |
– |
Texas Grano 1015Y |
175 |
Red Hamburger |
95 |
Granex Hybrid |
80 |
Sierra Blanca |
109 |
Onions, spring planted |
White, Yellow & Red Globe |
110 |
Jan 15– Feb 15 |
Feb 15– March 15 |
March 15– April 3 |
1/2 |
2–4 |
20–36 |
40 |
1 oz |
75 |
– |
White & Yellow Sweet Spanish |
80–100 |
Crop |
Recommended Varieties |
Days to Harvest |
Planting Dates |
How to Plant |
Feet of |
Seed or Plants per 100 Feet of Row |
Approximate Yield per 100 Feet of Row |
Area 1 |
Area 2 |
Area 3 |
Distance Between |
Fresh (lb) |
Canned (pints) |
Depth (in.) |
Plants (in.) |
Rows (in.) |
Parsnips |
All American |
100 |
Jan 15– March 1 |
Feb 15– April 15 |
April 1– May 15 |
1/2 |
2–4 |
20–36 |
0 |
1 oz |
100 |
– |
Hollow Crown |
110 |
Peas, snap |
Sugar Daddy |
62 |
Jan 15– Feb 15 |
Feb 15– April 15 |
March 15– June 15 |
1 |
1–3 |
24–36 |
5 |
2 lb |
40 |
25 |
Sugar Ann |
56 |
Sugar Bon |
56 |
Sugar Snap |
70 |
Super Snappy |
65 |
Peas, snow |
Oregon Sugar Pod II |
68 |
Jan 15– Feb 15 |
Feb 15– April 15 |
March 15– June 15 |
1 |
1–3 |
24–36 |
5 |
2 lb |
40 |
25 |
Dwarf Gray Sugar |
57 |
Peas, English |
Alaska |
55 |
Jan 15– Feb 15 |
Feb 15– April 15 |
March 15– June 15 |
1 |
1–3 |
24–36 |
5 |
2 lb |
40 |
25 |
Green Arrow |
70 |
Little Marvel |
63 |
Wando |
68 |
Lincoln |
67 |
Peas, cowpeas |
California Black-Eye |
75 |
April 14– May 1 |
May 1–31 |
May 1– July 15 |
1/2–1 |
5–8 |
24–36 |
– |
– |
– |
– |
Purple Hull |
78 |
Peppers, bell |
Bell Boy |
72 |
April 1–30 |
April 15– May 15 |
May 15– June 15 |
1/4 |
12–24 |
24–36 |
5 |
1/2 oz |
40 |
– |
Gypsy Hybrid |
65 |
California Wonder |
75 |
Crop |
Recommended Varieties |
Days to Harvest |
Planting Dates |
How to Plant |
Feet of Row per Person |
Seed or Plants per 100 Feet of Row |
Approximate Yield per 100 Feet of Row |
Area 1 |
Area 2 |
Area 3 |
Distance Between |
Fresh (lb) |
Canned (pints) |
Depth (in.) |
Plants (in.) |
Rows (in.) |
Peppers, chile |
Española Improved (hot) |
70 |
April 1–30 |
April 15– May 15 |
May 15– June 15 |
1/4 |
12–24 |
24–36 |
15 |
1/2 oz |
75 |
– |
Hungarian Wax (hot) |
65 |
Early Jalapeño (hot) |
80 |
NuMex R Naky (mild) |
80 |
New Mexico 6-4 (mild) |
80 |
NuMex Big Jim (mild to medium) |
80 |
NuMex Joe E. Parker (mild to medium) |
80 |
Sandia (hot) |
80 |
Potato |
Irish Cobbler (white) |
100 |
Feb 1–28 |
April 1– May 15 |
May 1–31 |
4 |
12 |
30–36 |
60 |
10 lb of seed pieces |
75 |
– |
Kennebec (white) |
105 |
La Rouge (red) |
110 |
Norgold (russett) |
105 |
Pontiac (red) |
105 |
Viking (purple) |
105 |
Yukon Gold |
90 |
Sweet potato |
Caromex |
130 |
May 1–15 |
May 15–31 |
June 1–15 |
(transplants) |
10–18 |
36–48 |
5 |
65–120 plants |
– |
– |
Centennial |
130 |
Bush Porto Rico |
110 |
Jewel |
130 |
Murasaki 29 PP19955 |
130 |
Crop |
Recommended Varieties |
Days to Harvest |
Planting Dates |
How to Plant |
Feet of Row per Person |
Seed or Plants per 100 Feet of Row |
Approximate Yield per 100 Feet of Row |
Area 1 |
Area 2 |
Area 3 |
Distance Between |
Fresh (lb) |
Canned (pints) |
Depth (in.) |
Plants (in.) |
Rows (in.) |
Pumpkin |
Big Max |
120 |
April 1–30 |
May 1–15 |
May 15–31 |
1–1 1/2 |
36–60 |
72–96 |
5 |
1 oz |
150 |
– |
Jack-O-Lantern |
110 |
New England Pie |
105 |
Small Sugar |
100 |
Spirit |
100 |
Hybrid Autumn Gold |
90 |
Jack-Be-Little |
100 |
Radish |
Cherry Belle |
22 |
Feb 1– March 31 |
March 1– April 30 |
April 1– July 15 |
1/2 |
1–2 |
12–18 |
6 |
1 oz |
100 bunches |
– |
Easter Egg |
25 |
French Breakfast |
23 |
Sparkler |
25 |
White Icicle |
28 |
Champion |
28 |
German Giant |
29 |
Spinach |
America |
50 |
Jan 15– Feb 15; Sept 1–30 |
Feb 15– March 15; Aug 1–30 |
March 15– July 15 |
1/2 |
2–6 |
12–36 |
15 |
1 oz |
50 |
60 |
Bloomsdale Long Standing |
43 |
Melody |
42 |
Winter Bloomsdale |
45 |
Tyee |
37 |
Avon Hybrid |
44 |
Giant Nobel |
43 |
Crop |
Recommended Varieties |
Days to Harvest |
Planting Dates |
How to Plant |
Feet of Row per Person |
Seed or Plants per 100 Feet of Row |
Approximate Yield per 100 Feet of Row |
Area 1 |
Area 2 |
Area 3 |
Distance Between |
Fresh (lbs) |
Canned (pints) |
Depth (in.) |
Plants (in.) |
Rows (in.) |
Spinach, summer |
New Zealand |
70 |
March 15– April 15 |
April 15– May 15 |
May 15– June 15 |
1 |
12–18 |
36 |
10 |
1 oz |
60 |
75 |
Squash, summer |
Dixie (crookneck, yellow) |
55 |
April 1– Aug 1 |
April 15– July 1 |
May 15– June 15 |
1 |
24–48 |
36–60 |
5 |
2 oz |
100 |
– |
Early Prolific (straightneck, yellow) |
53 |
Gold Rush (zucchini, yellow) |
45 |
Hybrid Jackpot (zucchini, green) |
44 |
Black Magic (zucchini, green) |
50 |
Dark Star (zucchini, green) |
50 |
Grey Zucchini |
42 |
Peter Pan (scallop) |
50 |
Sunburst Hybrid (scallop) |
50 |
Squash, winter |
Blue Hubbard |
115 |
April 1– June 1 |
April 15– May 15 |
May 1–15 |
1 |
36–96 |
72–96 |
10 |
1 oz |
40 fruits |
– |
Buttercup |
105 |
Acorn |
115 |
Sweet Mama Hybrid |
85 |
Table King Acorn |
75 |
Table Queen Acorn |
80 |
Crop |
Recommended Varieties |
Days to Harvest |
Planting Dates |
How to Plant |
Feet of Row per Person |
Seed or Plants per 100 Feet of Row |
Approximate Yield per 100 Feet of Row |
Area 1 |
Area 2 |
Area 3 |
Distance Between |
Fresh (lb) |
Depth (in.) |
Plants (in.) |
Rows (in.) |
Squash, winter |
Vegetable Spaghetti |
100 |
April 1– June 1 |
April 15– May 15 |
May 1–15 |
1 |
36–96 |
72–96 |
10 |
1 oz |
40 fruits |
– |
Waltham Butternut |
97 |
Delicata |
100 |
Ponca (baby butternut) |
90 |
Table Ace (acorn) |
70 |
Tomatoes, plum, small types |
Black Cherry |
65 |
Feb 15– March 15 |
April 15–30 |
May 1–15 |
1/2 |
18–48 |
36–60 |
60 |
25–65 plants or 1/2 oz |
150 |
110 |
Red Cherry |
72 |
Sun Gold |
57 |
Sweet 100 |
70 |
Tiny Tim |
55 |
Yellow Pear |
70 |
Tomatoes, regular |
Beefmaster VFN |
80 |
Feb 15– March 15 |
April 15–30 |
May 1–15 |
1/2 |
18–48 |
36–60 |
60 |
25–65 plants or 1/2 oz |
150 |
110 |
Better Boy VFN |
72 |
Cherokee Purple |
80 |
Early Girl |
54 |
Early Pick VF |
68 |
Extra Early VFNT |
55 |
Fantastic |
65 |
Homestead 24 |
76 |
Delicious |
77 |
Crop |
Recommended Varieties |
Days to Harvest |
Planting Dates |
How to Plant |
Feet of Row per Person |
Seed or Plants per 100 Feet of Row |
Approximate Yield per 100 Feet of Row |
Area 1 |
Area 2 |
Area 3 |
Distance Between |
Fresh (lbs) |
Canned (pints) |
Depth (in.) |
Plants (in.) |
Rows (in.) |
Squash, winter |
Vegetable Spaghetti |
100 |
April 1– June 1 |
April 15– May 15 |
May 1–15 |
1 |
36–96 |
72–96 |
10 |
1 oz |
40 fruits |
– |
Waltham Butternut |
97 |
Delicata |
100 |
Ponca (baby butternut) |
90 |
Table Ace (acorn) |
70 |
Tomatoes, plum, small types |
Black Cherry |
65 |
Feb 15– March 15 |
April 15–30 |
May 1–15 |
1/2 |
18–48 |
36–60 |
60 |
25–65 plants or 1/2 oz |
150 |
110 |
Red Cherry |
72 |
Sun Gold |
57 |
Sweet 100 |
70 |
Tiny Tim |
55 |
Yellow Pear |
70 |
Tomatoes, regular |
Beefmaster VFN |
80 |
Feb 15– March 15 |
April 15–30 |
May 1–15 |
1/2 |
18–48 |
36–60 |
60 |
25–65 plants or 1/2 oz |
150 |
110 |
Better Boy VFN |
72 |
Cherokee Purple |
80 |
Early Girl |
54 |
Early Pick VF |
68 |
Extra Early VFNT |
55 |
Fantastic |
65 |
Homestead 24 |
76 |
Delicious |
77 |
Crop |
Recommended Varieties |
Days to Harvest |
Planting Dates |
How to Plant |
Feet of Row per Person |
Seed or Plants per 100 Feet of Row |
Approximate Yield per 100 Feet of Row |
Area 1 |
Area 2 |
Area 3 |
Distance Between |
Fresh (lb) |
Canned (pints) |
Depth (in.) |
Plants (in.) |
Rows (in.) |
Tomatoes, regular |
Celebrity Hybrid VFNT |
70 |
Feb 15– March 15 |
April 15–30 |
May 1–15 |
1/2 |
18–48 |
36–60 |
60 |
25–65 plants or 1/2 oz |
150 |
110 |
Super Beefsteak VFN |
80 |
Tomatoes, paste |
Roma VF |
75 |
Feb 15– March 15 |
April 15–30 |
May 1–15 |
1/2 |
18–48 |
36–60 |
60 |
25–65 plants or 1/2 oz |
150 |
110 |
Viva Italia Hybrid |
80 |
San Marzano |
80 |
Turnips |
Purple Top White Globe |
55 |
Feb 1– March 15; July 20– Aug 20 |
March 1– April 15; July 1– Aug 15 |
April 1– June 30 |
1/2 |
2–6 |
12–36 |
30 |
3/4 oz |
100 |
– |
Hybrid Toyko Cross |
35 |
Watermelon |
Black Diamond |
90 |
April 1–15 |
April 20– May 20 |
May 1–15 |
1 |
24–36 |
72–96 |
10 |
1 oz |
20 fruits |
– |
Charleston Gray |
85 |
Crimson Sweet |
80 |
Bush Sugar Baby |
75 |
Sweet Favorite |
80 |
Melons, Other |
Casaba, Golden Beauty |
120 |
April 1–15 |
April 20– May 20 |
May 1–15 |
1 |
24–36 |
72–96 |
– |
1 oz |
90 melons |
– |
Crenshaw, Early Hybrid |
90 |
Honeydew Type, Hybrid Earli-Dew |
80 |
Honeydew Type, Venus |
88 |
For Further Reading
CR-457: Home Vegetable Gardening in New Mexico
H-220: Starting Plants Early Outdoors
H-221: Spices and Herbs for the Home Garden
H-240: Growing Chile Peppers in New Mexico Gardens

Stephanie Walker is Extension Vegetable Specialist, and has extensive experience in the food processing industry. Her primary research interests include genetics and breeding of chile peppers, vegetable mechanization, enhancing pigment content, post-harvest quality, and irrigation efficiency. She works to help commercial vegetable growers enhance the sustainability and profitability of their operations through collaboration, experimentation, and information sharing.
To find more resources for your business, home, or family, visit the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences on the World Wide Web at
Contents of publications may be freely reproduced, with an appropriate citation, for educational purposes. All other rights reserved. For permission to use publications for other purposes, contact or the authors listed on the publication.
New Mexico State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and educator. NMSU and the U.S. Department of Agriculture cooperating.
Revised January 2021 Las Cruces, NM